- NEWS -
- 2023 -
General Bulletin - DCRA
DCRA Accomodation Invitation PRA
- 2022 -
Fellow BCRA Members,
Please note: Mid-Range Individual Aggregate will be shot at the Nanaimo Military Range: May 28 & 29
The schedule has been updated.
We have also added a new page to this site in honour of our deceased members.
if you would like to add to this page, please contact the exec to find out more.
Please note: Mid-Range Individual Aggregate will be shot at the Nanaimo Military Range: May 28 & 29
The schedule has been updated.
We have also added a new page to this site in honour of our deceased members.
if you would like to add to this page, please contact the exec to find out more.
Fellow BCRA Members,
We are sending out this extraordinary note to draw your attention to the very difficult medical situation that our Fellow Member, Don Piper, finds himself in. Don's story, in his own words, is provided HERE. If you, or anyone you know, has considered helping someone by being a living donor, please read Don's story.
Please see the link to the BC Transplant Society for more information:
Brian L.J. Mylleville
Fellow BCRA Members,
The 2021 BCRA Annual General Meeting which will be held on Saturday November 6, 2021 by virtual means of Zoom. The Lower Mainland Annual General Meeting will be held on the same day, starting at 9:00 am with the BCRA AGM following. Please plan to attend the AGM. Your ideas and support are critical as we prepare to launch into what should be a busy 2022 shooting season.
We thank-you for your patience and stay well.
Brian L.J. Mylleville
- 2021 -
General Bulletin - DCRA
As there have been a number of changes to the DCRA membership structure, we'd like to confirm the process for the upcoming membership year (1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022). There are two ways to obtain or renew your membership, based on your province or area of residence. Please keep in mind that all individuals who will be shooting on military ranges, across the country, must hold DCRA membership in order to be insured for shooting activities.If you are a resident of MB, the National Capital Region, QC or PEI, and please contact their leadership to arrange for membership:
Manitoba (http://www.manitobarifle.ca/membership)
National Capital Region (http://www.ncrra.ca/index.php/side-membership)
Quebec (http://www.pqra.org/adhesion/)
Prince Edward Island (http://www.peipra.ca/membership-application/)
For all other provinces (British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador), please complete the appropriate membership form and return it to the DCRA office (office@dcra.ca). If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call (613-829-8281) or send an email (office@dcra.ca).
- 2020 -
North Thompson Fish and Game is hosting an F Class match on 1/2 Aug
Match will be shot only @ 700M3 strings of 2 convertible sighters and 15 for score on Sat, 2 on Sunday.
Match fees are $60. No lunch or drinks will be provided.
COVID rules (social distancing etc,).
Don Piper
KTSA Art Bourne Match will happen on 30-31 May
If KTSA gets enough entries, we will be holding The Art Bourne Match on May 30-31.We will be using electronic targets and shoot 900 both days.
No lunch so bring your own and we will be shooting string to maintain social distancing.
No trophies but maybe prize money.
Barry Prost
May 1st - New Firearms Regulations
By now you probably have all heard about the new firearms regulations that have been brought into effect by the Federal Government. I am not here to comment on the regulations but rather to inform our members on how the BCRA is responding to these regulations. As a Provincial Association we are working with the Dominion of Canada Rifle Association in a consolidated response, as this affects all shooting disciplines from coast to coast. I have attached the latest Bulletin from the DCRA as well as a PDF of the regulations. As things evolve I will try to keep you all informed. Remember that these regulations affect us all regardless of the discipline we have chosen to pursue.Peter Dobell
May 3rd shoot - Nanaimo Range CANCELLED
Hello Island Shooters!I've checked with Range Control and our booking for May 3rd is cancelled.
Range access is currently limited to DND 'operational' personnel only.
Our next booking is for June 7th - keep dry firing, SCATTing, etc.!
March Match in Campbell River - Cancelled due to Covid19
Campbell River Gun Club will be hosting a match along the lines of the US PRS style matches- Details are on the match website at riflematch.com.
- 2019 -
2019 BCRA TR & F-Class Championship Results
2019 Winners of the Lt. Governor's Prize

Greg Deleenheer (left) - F-Open, Robert Pitcairn (seated) - TR, Bill Peacock (right) -FTR